Americans Deserve The Full Story

Call On the Media to Broadcast Bipartisan Problem Solvers!

Our recent study* shows hyper-partisan politicians get more than 4x the news coverage of bipartisan problem solvers. This imbalance feeds extreme division and tears at the fabric of our democracy.

Sign our petition calling on the top TV and online news outlets to #ChangeTheCoverage and correct the imbalance by covering bipartisan problem solvers!

A vintage television with the logos of MSNBC, Fox News and CNN
Infographic showing hyper-partisan politicians receiving 4x more media coverage than bipartisan problem solvers, with logos of various news outlets.
Infographic comparing bipartisan problem solvers and hyper-partisan politicians based on media coverage percentages.

Call On the Media to Boost Bipartisan Problem Solvers!

According to our new study*, hyper-partisan politicians received more than 4x the news coverage bipartisan problem solvers did around the 2022 midterm elections.

We get it — media is a business, conflict drives views, and partisanship is a necessary part of politics. But when Americans don’t see stories about what’s working, including politicians cooperating across the aisle to solve problems, it deepens our divisions and undermines our democracy.

At Builders, we’re building a community — already 1.4 million followers strong — hungry to see, share, and be inspired by those stories… but we need the media to tell them.

So we’re calling on the top TV and online news sources analyzed in our study to join us in overcoming the cycle of division by:

  1. Interviewing one bipartisan problem solver on prime time or their homepage by the end of April 2023
  2. Committing to a recurring prime time segment or homepage column that elevates successful bipartisanship by July 4, 2023

Builders commits to amplifying these placements and continuing to build an audience for stories that showcase courageous collaboration across the aisle.

This information is part of a campaign to raise awareness of the cooperative problem solving happening across America. Builders is not affiliated with any political campaign or party, and this is not an endorsement or statement of opposition to any politician or party.


Study conducted in partnership with the Center for Media and Public Affairs at George Mason University and Common Ground Committee.

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