Make It A Habit

Make It A Habit: Break Out of Your Bubble and Build Bridges

Building bridges requires courage to step outside of your echo chamber. Here are a handful of tips to help you step outside of your ideological bubble:

  1. Be aware of confirmation bias. When’s the last time you challenged a belief you firmly hold? Take some time to try and prove yourself wrong. 
  2. Seek out dissenting news sources. Motivate yourself to read news sources from “the other side” or subscribe to a new email newsletter outside of your comfort zone. By doing this, you’ll gain a deeper understanding of the world and the people who live and work in it.
  3. Challenge the algorithm. One of the biggest reinforcers of our echo chambers is social media. Take some time to “trick” the algorithm to diversify your feed by liking everything and following influencers from affiliations you don’t follow or typically associate with.

Keep Reading


Lessons on Reducing Toxic Polarization: From India to the U.S.


Three Habits of Builders


5 Ways Liberals Can Build More Bridges with Conservatives

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